?1. knowledge, information, data




2. 学习知识不可以直译成learn knowledge,应该是acquire/gain knowledge;


◇ Gain/ obtain/ gather information都可以,但意思不同;

◇ Obtain/ collect data 都可以,但意思不同。


3. lack


◇ lack作动词,是及物动词,不需要加任何介词,包括of:Many people lack the awareness to protect environment.

◇ lack作名词:The lack of sufficient exercises leads to overweight.




4. affect


◇ affect只能作动词,名词的【影响”是:effect



5. modern, environment, government , nowadays




6. economy, society


【经济”的名词是economy,可是不知为什么,十有八九的学生写成:economic,而这个却是形容词。同样地,【社会”的名词是【society”,可大部分人都会写成【social”这个形容词,其实只要掌握后缀,这个问题就能迎刃而解,因为【-ic 和-cial”都是形容词后缀,例如:historic, scientific, special, facial。



7. Let 


 让某人做某事,可以说成:let sb do sth, 或者 enable/make sb to do sth

 而【不让某人做某事”却不能说成:let sb do not do sth

应该说:prevent sb from doing sth

例如:Effective measures should be to prevent people from hunting wild animals illegally.




complain  about/of

dream  about/of

arrive  at/in

discriminate  against



9. rise 和raise,你搞清楚谁是谁了吗?


◇ rise是【升高”:The birth rate rose from 3% to 5%.

 raise是【提高”:It is not the best way to raise the price of petrol.



【rise”有一个非常好的发音规则来识别它:单音节词,以不发音的e结尾时,这个单词中剩下的那个唯一元音字母发这个元音字母本身的音。例如:like tide wide rise kite


五个元音字母:a e i o u 中只有e不符合这个规律,其他四个字母,在绝大多数情况下符合这个规律,例如:


make  wave  pace  maze  Kate

wide  mile  pride  hike  mite

note  hole  toe  rose  pose

use  abuse  cute  muse


而【raise”的发音符合另一个发音规则:ai [ ei ] main  rain  gain  train  aid  AIDS



10. Lead to / lead…to…


◇ lead to (sth), 导致……(接名词):Eating too much fast food easily leads to obesity.


 lead…to…:用于表达【导致某人做某事”:Test-oriented education system always leads teachers and parents to neglect students’ qualities and personalities.


11. while / meanwhile


◇ while用于两个句子之间:Western parents like to guide, while Chinese parents prefer to teach.


 Meanwhile用于句首:We all like the convenience brought by plastic bags. Meanwhile, however, we seldom pay attention to the white pollution caused by such non-biodegradable material.


12. in a word, in other words


◇ in a word 常常被误认为是【总而言之”的意思,被错误地用于文章的结尾段开头,但实际上,这个短语的真正意思是【用一个词概括”,例如:A: How about your blind date yesterday? B: In a word, ugly!


◇ in other words意思是【换句话说”,但请千万注意:【word”要加复数【words”,因为你是换句话说,而不是换一个词说。



13. relative / relatively (相对的/相对来说地)


绝大多数学生都错误地以为这个词的意思是【相关的”,因为它的名词意思是【亲戚”。这个词在小作文中尤其使用高频,例如:Relatively, the group under 20 years old spent less time on TV in 1970 than in 1980.


14. As well/ as well as


◇  As well 相当于【too”,用于句末:We should correctly judge the current situation of job market and our own abilities as well.


◇  As well as相当于一个介词,表示【以及,和”,后面只能跟名词性成分:University students should try to obtain theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills.



